Summer is here in full, and the concrete around me has expanded to its max. I wake up at 5 am to the sound of screaming mynah birds, a sunny glare in my face, and a sweaty pillow. I've been trying to hold myself back from driving down to Costco and bringing home a shiny new AC unit, in an effort to keep my electric bill down, but i dunno if I'll be able to make it all summer. I can smell the soles of my shoes melting into the pavement as I walk home from work, so i keep my steps quick and think about the popsicles I have waiting for me in the freezer.
I don't know, I gotta say, for my money, A/C's are well worth it. If you don't want to splurge just get two fans from Longs and point them straight at you all night...
But if you moved back into the windward side,,its always a few degrees cooler,, LOL but yeah your right about the heat,,just think about it for next summer
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